Howdy to all our developers! Over the last couple of months, the Intuit Developer Group has been gathering your feedback on brand new feature requests and improvements to existing features. We would like to use this opportunity to present you with the following updates. We’ll regularly update the Developer Blog with articles about new features and improvements.
Teams feature
Developers will now be able to convert their current app environment to a shared workspace, or create one new shared team workspace. Once they have created a team space, they can invite their coworkers to collaborate on the shared apps, assign roles (admin, developer, marketer) and set some customizable permissions. Once the members accept their email invitations, they will also have access to the shared apps and the teams functionality.

Benefits to you:
- The ability to work as a team and bring productivity to your work.
- Developer teams can now allocate specific work to their team members based on their roles.
- We solved the security issue of teams sharing passwords between team members.
Fore more information, read our blog article on the Teams feature.
Quickbooks Advanced Sandboxes
You will now be able to create Sandboxes for QuickBooks Online (QBO) Advanced SKU! Many of you had requested this feature to be able to test your existing integration/App against the feature availability of QBO Advanced.
Current state:
- Available only for U.S. developers
- Total count is 10
What’s not available: APIs for QBO Advanced.

Search improvements
Developers can now benefit from our improved search, which is now running on the new Algolia Crawler. You can see the following improvements:
- You can now view unified search results for your query, from Community discussions (with Answer Count) and Help articles to Developer Docs and Blogs.
- Search results are displayed from different sections of the pages so that you don’t miss out information from long pages.
- Search results are more relevant with improved ranking logic.
- Results are paginated and open in a new tab always.
- No special chars or missing information.
Documentation changes
- Developers can now benefit with additional information added on OAuth2 docs wrt to different flows and refresh token policy.
- Multiple doc updates for linked txns, Automated Sales Tax, and Payments API have been made.
- You can also see a wide variety of new Help articles we have created based on trends of questions posted on the community.
Support ticket creation flow
- Before opening support tickets via Help, developers can now view relevant docs and get matching search results for their question from Developer docs, discussions, and blogs.
- We now support cleaner categorization of products so that developers are not confused when they report their issues and can self serve.
Hybrid taxes enabled in sandboxes for U.S.
This was a long pending ask from our developer community and is now available.